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As a child my ambition was to be a marine biologist or a scientist of some sort.
This led to a life long interest in sea life and the sciences, as a child all I did was go fishing. An activity I have just restarted.
Once I started dabbling in sculpture I was making fish.
An interesting aside here. It seems that most metal sculptors start on fish; I think because they are basically two dimensional and have shapes that are fairly easy to realise in the materials used.
My fish sculptures are in two basic styles, simplified and enlarged for mostly outdoor use and more intricate delicate shapes for indoors.
I have made many many of these, here are a few examples with guideline prices.

The larger examples would make great statement pieces for commercial fisheries and fish farms the smaller ones go down well in restaurants. Either could easily be adapted to be used as signs

Two recent examples of this body of work.
The Fisherman's return in Gt Yarmouth wanted a statement sculpture to in their front garden, so they asked for a 3m long bass. A nice job, then a couple of years later they wanted a new sculpture for the garden as the Bass was moving indoors so a 3 long Sunfish was commissioned and was galvanized.
The Bass inside the bar does remind me of  Damien Hurst's notorious pickled shark. Brave to have such a large piece of art indoors and he looks magnificent.


large fish sculpture
metal fish sculpture

A recent commission, June 2020
A Barbel 2.4m long for a campsite on The River Severn (my old stamping ground) sadly I never landed a barbel but I could dream. One of the kings of the River.
This was galvanized to give a life long finish that will never rust.
At this scale we are looking at around £2300 the galvanizing is an extra but well worth considering.

metal fish sculpture

Next up is the Sunfish this example is naturally oxidized; a finish I am very fond of, maintenance free and see how it changes in the evening light, beautiful. Possibly my favorite image of a piece of my work.

garden sculpture

And from the side about half an hour earlier

outdoor sculpture

The Common Carp has been very popular, this is a small one that lives on my workshop door showing how they can be wall mounted. Priced at £350.
I would love to make a big one of these.
Are there any carp anglers or fishery owners out there?

wall art

These are just a few examples of work in this style, I have made many more if there is something you would like please contact me.

Then of course there is my Seahorse,  he now lives in America and has been very popular over the years, standing about 2.9m tall priced around £3500 depending on size.
There is another one of these stood outside Aldi in Clacton on Sea

large metal sculpture

Then we move onto the smaller anatomical fishes; I have made many of these over the years

These are very fiddly to make as they are brazed together using brass filler rod, one mistake and it goes in the scrap box. No room for error but a lovely contrast of materials.

These are priced around the £700 mark depending on complexity.

First, Melanocetus Johnsonni, aka The Common Black Devil one of the deep sea Angler fish
This one was Mine but I was persuaded to sell her, she is badly missed.

angler fish sculpture

Then we have Calophryne Pennibarbata another deep sea Angler fish and yes she got away as well.

metal fish sculpture

Last up is the John Dory aka The St Peter Fish so called because it is alleged that the spot on the side is the thumb print of St Peter.  Another one that got away.

steel fish sculpture

Lastly another irrelevant aside
Deep Sea Anglers could be the ultimate feminists.
They live independently, the male is a small parasitic being who exists for one purpose only and can be jettisoned at will. Some of the females carry several males around at a time. And of course the females can easily bite off more than they can chew.

contact Alan Ross
075905 80853

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